I don’t have a ‘carer’ as such. Not in the traditional sense
Many of us do.
Many of us are unable to work, unable to dress ourselves, unable to ‘be’ without
the help of another.
I have a full time job, and am physically fit and healthy enough
(the majority of the time) to do pretty much everything for myself. I’m very
lucky. I still have a chronic illness though. So at times I need to be cared for. Whether I like it
or not, and I usually don’t like it one iota.
I value my independence massively
and when I am too unwell to do even the most basic of tasks and am forced to
rely on people around me to pick up my slack, it grates. Big time.
My own ‘carers’ are wide and varied.
My friends, my family,
my love.
They are self-appointed in this
role, and like the superheroes they are they simply don their capes and fly
into action whenever they are required. Thankfully they only wear their pants
outside their tights indoors and for my own personal LOL’s. This care they
offer me comes in what they do for me, both physically and mentally. They help
me walk when I falter through pain, they hold my hair back when I’m sick, they make
me eat when I don’t want to, they make me laugh when I think I never will, and they remind me life is worth living when I can’t
see it for myself. They do all of this with such precision and ninja-like
stealth that I’m sometimes sure there is some sort of co-ordination going on
behind the scenes.
It’s often such a whirlwind from me being well to being the polar
opposite that neither of us really notices we have fallen into the roles of
patient and carer. But we do. It seems it’s all effortless on their part. We know it’s far from it.
They make me feel that I am worthy of love and care and that
my illness is never a burden, although at my lowest ebb I usually feel like that excess baggage you have to pay over the odds just to get on the plane with you
when you didn't really want to bring it in the first place or even go on this
stupid holiday I don't know why we cant just go to the caravan its such a waste
of money and the waiiiiiiting at the airport don't even get me started…OH MY GOD….
Caring for someone else isn’t easy. It’s exhausting, and a
job that generally goes unappreciated or even unnoticed. That isn’t because we don’t appreciate you, or don’t notice what you do; it’s just that
it’s normally after the event that we begin to realise what you’ve been doing
for us.
We are ill and miserable and require ‘care’ in the moment – we are
generally too concerned with managing pain and sleeping and drifting into drug-induced
oblivion to thank you for all you do.
So here I am, thanking you for all you do.
We appreciate you! Please know that!
I know we
are difficult, and tiring and absolute NIGHTMARES from time to time, but we
love you and are always incredibly grateful for your time and attention. We care for you too. Always. Pants inside or outside your tights, you are my heroes.
You are very lucky to have such wonderful people in your life xx