Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Crohn Lang Syne

Happy Christmas! Hope you all had a wonderful festive period and are looking forward to frivolity ensuing at New Year. If you still have a food/drink hangover then take two Paracetamol and call me in the morning.
Most people around this time of year start to think about making their New Years resolutions. I did this regularly when I was younger, really only because it seemed traditional and was what everyone else did.
Later I realised that all making these resolutions did was frustrate or depress me as I never seemed to achieve any of them. No matter how big or small, most people, like myself, start the year with the best of intentions but rarely stick it out past Valentines Day. Suppose that's why gym memberships soar in Jan and Feb..
I've realised as I can't control how I will feel from one day to the next, it's very hard to plan much further than a few hours in advance. No point in making bold plans for myself that I don't know if I'll be physically able to keep. Or is there? Is it better to make these plans to give myself something to focus on and aim for when things get hard?
I'm not sure. I'm still coming to terms with my illness myself, it's now almost a year since my operation and I'm now trying to settle into my life with Crohn's. Quite an adjustment in itself.
I've resolved to start a food diary to keep a log of everything I eat and drink and what effects they have on my delicate insides. This will hopefully give me a better idea (in general) of what foods to steer clear of, although I realise this will probably take years.
Other than that I have a lovely friend who has offered to start teaching me how to drive! YIKES. At 28 I think it's about time, have never really been interested before, but it's practical and sensible - all these trips back and forward to hospitals will be so much easier not having to rely on public transport or family and friends. If I do manage to pass, that means no more bus tweets! Sad times :(
Oh and I also want a holiday! Haven't left Scotland for over 2years now. A spot of sunshine always makes me feel better, and a tan is always much nicer than my traditional milk-bottle-white skin.
These are not resolutions- just a few things I'd like to do - maybe not this year for sure, but soon I hope. I'm not setting myself any major goals for now until i am a bit more confident coping with my Crohn's. If that day ever comes! In the meantime all I really want to achieve over the next 12months (and beyond) is to enjoy life. Make the most of the positives in my life and focus on those. Hiding away from the world never helped anyone, I want to show the world how well I am coping and how important it is to have some fun. So if the world doesn't indeed come to an abrupt end, I aim to have a fun-filled 2012. I hope you all resolve to do the same :)
K x

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